The beings of Eohm, the Waking Realm are called Eohmym. There are many types of Eohmym that have different names, however all of them are of the same species, regardless of their features or appearances.
Though there are many differences in Eohmym, there is no dedicated society to any type or even groups dedicated to specific types. All Eohmym comingle without second thought of features that others may have.
All Eohmym stem from the Urthlings, which are humans of Urtholm. From various magical, scientific, and unexplained events, Urthlings have many divergent paths. Mostly named after broken pieces of media that have been discovered from ancient ruins and stories passed down from older generations. Skin color amongst all Eohmym ranges through every possibility, regardless of the type of Eohmym.
Elovaan - Urthlings with long pointed ears that tend to age slower, having increased natural life spans.
Orkhan - Urthlings that have an average height that is taller than other Eohmym. They have large tusks that jut out of their mouths.
Syntor - Eohmym that have the upper body of Urthlings and the lower body of other creatures such as horses, crabs, dragons, crows, or lions. Syntor have many more options for their lower half than this, these are the most common. They may often times have horns or antlers as well.
Dwarph - Urthlings that are on average shorter than other Eohmym. They rapidly grow hair all over their body and have glowing eyes.
Kaimeera - Urthlings that have the ears and tails, sometimes hands and feet, of other creatures such as monkeys, cats, dogs, foxes, ravens, or rabbits.
Wyldlings - Urthlings that have the head of another creature and bodily features to match. Some may have the head of a lion, with fur covering their bodies and massive claws. Another might have the head of a dragon with scales covering their body and wings.
Mermurs - Eohmym that have the upper body of Urthlings and the lower body of an aquatic creature such as a fish, eel, shark, octopus, or axolotl. They are amphibious.