The enigmatic beings who exist outside of Urtholm's realms, said to live in the moons. Faerfolk have no standard shape or size, instead coming from a number of different types.
Pixelene - Beings made of blocks that are light manifested magic. Since their bodies are light, they have trouble interacting with anything outside of computers or magic. They are still able to create masterful illusions with the use of their pixelated bodies. Pixelene are often sought after as teachers or guides as they are able to possess non-sentient machines with screens. On a few different occasions, Pixelene have been known to inhabit orbs that wizards like to ponder to play pranks.
Gobs - Short in stature, they have an urthling shaped form. They have long pointy ears, claws instead of finger nails, and large eyes. They are able to quickly jump into small wormholes to escape over distances and have been known to be some of the fastest couriers because of this.
Faeries - Beings that come in a variety of sizes and shapes, able to increase or decrease their size as they need. Faeries have large wings that enable them to fly. The types of wings are dependent on the faerie, some resembling insects, others made of branches and leaves. As faeries age, they are able to shape their wings into all sorts of fantastical forms to show a sense of individualism.