Those that sway others

Those with big personalities who actively work on spreading their media over The Lattice or in their own physical communities. Influencers tend to be trendy and strive to stay with current times fads and memes.

The specialization aims at creating entertainment and guiding others to follow the influencers morals; sometimes good, sometimes bad. Regardless of their intentions, they are charismatic enough to easily get the attention of others to further their own goals.


Influencer’s have information on characters, customs, laws, legends, local gossip, and politics within the bounds of settlements they’ve been to or know of.


You are able to more easily sway the minds of others through your mere presence. Be it by a perfectly placed phrase or a galling glare, others tend to be swayed by your force of will.

While you participate in a social interaction, you may spend 1 TP once per interaction to increase the base rating by 1d4.
