A series of constellations in the sky that have resonance which reaches through out the different realms of Urtholm. Many different types of magician employ different types of divining sets to glean information about possible futures from the Arcanum.

The Exalted Arcanum is divided into two separate groups of constellations which appear differently in the sky depending on if it's day or night. Each constellation is called an Arcana. There are two types of Arcana, Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. Minor Arcana are Arcana nestled within the larger constellation of their Major Arcana.

The cardinal directions of a Heart Star shows different facets of the Arcana's meaning.

Inversions for the Soleneum Arcana express a change in meaning while inversions in the Lunastral Arcana are presented with new challenges for those who seek greater fortune.

During the day, the Soleneum Arcana can be seen, even on the brightest days. The Soleneum Arcana is thought to guide through the past and present. As a tool for divination, practitioners try to discern what has happen or is currently happening.

The Soleneum Arcana is represented by the following Arcanas:

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The Endless Eclipse

North (Vibes): Beautiful stagnation, unchanging in an accepted way.

East (Challenge):

South (Meaning): This Arcana reveals when someone has decided to ignore time or progression, willfully staying in the same mindset or state out of comfort.

West (Prompt):

Inversion: Inverted, the Arcana means that someone cannot seem to create stability or a sense of familiarity because they cannot let go of old thoughts or traditions.


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The Sable Yonder

North (Vibes): Melancholic, weary searching for a place to rest

East (Challenge):

South (Meaning): This Arcana is of the places we idealize as negative ones, regardless of how they truly are or not. And to the places we will never return.

West (Prompt):

Inversion: Inverted, the Arcana means antagonism from those close or neighbors. The home being uncomfortable and unwelcoming, so much so that you might look for other places to find shelter and respite.


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The Wild Within

North (Vibes): Changing times, feeling free and untethered, idyllic revelry

East (Challenge):

South (Meaning): This Arcana shows the burgeoning will to feel freedom and change, to let oneself feel alive, and to let emotions run their course without suppressing them.

West (Prompt):

Inversion: Inverted, the Arcana means that there is a side to this person, place, or idea that cannot be tamed or controlled. Any amount of trying to train them will only result in more furious rebellion.


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The Court Without

North (Vibes): Whimsical oppression, the idea of stepping on someone else’s expertise

East (Challenge):

South (Meaning): This Arcana reveals when there is a power imbalance, not in the way of perception, instead in actuality that those perceived to be in power, are not. The world’s laws will still not bend to those who are materially wealthy.

West (Prompt):

Inversion: Inverted, the Arcana means that someone is having a hard time adjusting to their new perception of the status quo. They are used to having power and when they no longer command what they once did, they will either bend or break.


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The Contract Eternal

North (Vibes):

East (Challenge):

South (Meaning):

West (Prompt):

