Creatures of unfathomable size that mobilize against threats against Urtholm. The exact number of Ultimydeon are unknown, though there are five documented colossus. Each has a different physical form, no two sharing many similarities visually. The minds of the Ultimydeon are linked directly to Adrem and are vast beyond normal cognitive understanding.
Many attempts to fight or destroy Ultimydeon have been made all ending in failure and the destruction of many settlements. It was thought at one point that antimatter would be the key to their demise, barely proving effective beyond turning the Ultimydeon's ire unto those that would try to harm it. No known magic has any affect, just as sciences had failed. Current day speculation says that they are extradimensional in a way that makes them invulnerable and immortal.
A creature that is larger than the largest mountains of Urtholm and resembles, for the most part, a mountain. Some smaller hamlets have made homes on it's back, with structures that are easily rebuilt for when Urnon moves. Should any of these encampments get to large, lava overflows from the back of Urnon and wipes out all life on the titanic beings back. It eighteen massive legs that resemble stone pillars, stretching to be 60 stories to hold Urnon up as it moves about.
When it finds a perceived threat, it moves to the designated area and drops the entirety of its weight on the threat. Despite it's immense size, it can cross the world in hours.
This creature is only ever seen as a hurricane that spreads over the horizon, completely eradicating all in its path. Massive eyes made of lightning can be seen from miles away, though there has never been anything or anyone that has survived to see the eye of the storm that is Toskovelle.
A koi fish like creature that is spans full oceans. Observers have witnessed it swimming freely from the depths directly into The Starways. Even the smallest movements from Cascani create tsunamis and wipe islands from the map.
A massive moth like creature that descends from the moon when it perceives a threat. It's wings do not produce any wind movements, despite it's size. It releases dust from it's wings that turn into luminescent moths that devour psychic energy, painlessly killing any thinking creature in a matter of minutes of being swarmed.
Xixoa does not have a discernable physical form, instead it is a sweeping sound that encompasses an area. The sound of Xixoa rends through the souls of any living beings, withering them to nothing but crumpling dust. Sentient creatures that hear it are entranced and will begin moving erratically in what is called Bhoxixoa meaning "Souls Death Dance".