(jhee-say) The mysterious beings that inhabit Othraweald, Road of Taken Graces. Xitse are comprised of the same energy as souls, coalesced into a new form. Sometimes they are objects or creatures that have existed for so long that they achieve a new form of sentience.
Society among Xitse is driven by a sense of hospitality and oath. Even the most cruel intended of Xitse must adhere to the oaths they make and follow the rules of Othraen Laws of Hospitality or be undone completely. In larger cities, Xitse trade between each other with currency called "Eidolons" which are souls gathered and condensed into small orbs. Eidolons can be absorbed by Xitse to to prolong their life, thus are valuable to all.
Xitse are able to change their form at will to better facilitate where they are or what they are doing. They do have a true form that is what they revert to anytime they are not willingly in a different shape. The true form for every Xitse is always dependent on their the expression of their soul.