
The realm of Adrem is different from the other realms because it's the collective unconsciousness of the world itself and all beings on Urtholm with a psychic resonance. The landscapes are those of endless dreams stretching into infinity with few monuments ever remaining in one form.

Dreamwalkers are able to navigate the dreamscape safely and psychics are able to feel ways to move through Adrem with limited success. Depending on how one enters the Grand Consciousness, it can be a fantastical adventure or a nightmare so horrific the trauma will kill those who witness it. Entering through dreams are the safest ways, though there are points in the world where one might physically enter Adrem.

Memetic beings called Meticem reside naturally here and all bow before their progenitor, The Unborn Dream. Meticem are split into two roles, Vedah (dreams) and Hadev (nightmares.) Meticem work to provide balance for The Unborn Dream's slumber, hoping to never wake it. There is not true society in Adrem, as everything is ephemeral and fleeting, even the Meticem are every fluid in their form.