The year is 2026, starting from the first recorded dates and information after The End. These are called the First Reconds so a calendar normally has no suffix after the year or will say FR.

After The End, data and records regarding the old ways of time keeping were destroyed. It wasn't long before Cosmographers and Technocrats came up with new systems of keeping the time. Because they used many numbers in their naming conventions, the calendar was nearly universally hated. Eohmym came together to host a contest on what the new calendar would look and sound like.

An artist was the winner of the contest, using the twelve basic hues of color theory for the names, with the suffix "era" which means month according to some records; many do not believe this to be fact. The days are less uniform, with words that end in day to make up the seven names. Though the names have some meaning, very few of the meanings are relevant to the lives of most people.

There are twenty-four hours in a day, six days in a week, five weeks (thirty days) per month, and twelve months in a year.

<aside> <img src="/icons/calendar_gray.svg" alt="/icons/calendar_gray.svg" width="40px" />

There twelve months are:

  1. Rosera - The color "Rose"
  2. Redera - The color "Red"
  3. Oranera - The color "Orange"
  4. Yelera - The color "Yellow"
  5. Charera - The color "Chartreus"
  6. Greera - The color "Green"
  7. Spriera - The color "Spring"
  8. Cyera - The color "Cyan"
  9. Azuera - The color "Azure"
  10. Bluera - The color "Blue"
  11. Violera - The color "Violet"
  12. Magenera - The color "Magenta" </aside>

<aside> <img src="/icons/calendar_gray.svg" alt="/icons/calendar_gray.svg" width="40px" />

The six days of the week are:

  1. Archday - The first day of the week, arching over the others.
  2. Brimday - The day to fill ones their bags to the brim.
  3. Crysday - The day of using and shaping crystals.
  4. Denday - The day to work on ones home.
  5. Erranday - The day to run errands.
  6. Famday - The day to spend with family. </aside>