Those that bring tradition to magic

Practitioners of magic that revolves around enchanting, blessing, and cursing. Witches bring safety and knowledge to their communities, as they commune with forces yet unknown. Through many traditions that have been passed down from witches, witchcraft is a magic that predates The End; how exactly it continued to pass down in generations is a mystery. Even should a witch know their source, they would likely never reveal it's origins.

They work in tandem with survivalists to craft remedies, potions, poisons, elixirs, tinctures, and tonics. Their charms are powerful and the enchantments they employ are often to make life easier.

A witch is often followed by their familiar, a small shard of their own spirit which manifests as an object or creature that is eternally loyal to the witch. The familiar aids the witch in their magical practices.


Witches have information on magical effects, entities, items, places, and rituals. They know about spirits and otherworldly forces and how to properly interact with them.

Arcane Spellcasting

You are able to weave spells to form effects that can help you in a myriad of ways. The spells you cast in this way can accomplish anything you could via a simple description of the activity at a far range. Spells can include small tasks like lighting a fire, operating a user-friendly device, automating chores like doing the dishes or laundry, and effortlessly making something clean/dirty.

You may have a number of arcane spells active equal to your power and they can last 1 LTP per potency you have while you are within a far range. Moving too far away or casting additional spells past will cause the earlier spell to end and the latest spell to take its place.