Beings that come in many shapes and sizes, normally they have a general shape like Urthlings. They are born of large beautiful blooms from Yggdrasaer, Cosmos Crown. Yggdrasians are comprised of fungus, plant matter, or a mixture of the two and can communicate telepathically. Some choose to develop vocal chords to communicate verbally or enough hands and fingers to communicate somatically. They are able to slowly change the shape of their body to better suit their environment, a process they call Arasmas (which means to break down and make new).
Because of the fungus and plant matter that they are made of, they are able to connect to the Lattice without additional help, and can do so telepathically.
When Yggdrasians die, they decay into a fungal network and seed clusters to grow new life. The types of seeds they form into are always of local native species, thus they never disrupt the ecosystem with their death. It is said that their mind and soul rejoin with Yggdrasaer, as there have never been any reports of Yggdrasian ghosts.