
The southern continent and the second smallest of the four in Eohm, the Waking Realm. Altior is known mostly for it's jungles, marshes, swamps, and grasslands. The seasons in Altior tend to be the most intense of all the continents with the coldest winters (besides northern Hyval) and hottest summers. Spring and Fall are considered to be perfect in Altior.

The continent is home to many of the strangest and most dangerous creatures but also some of the hardiest Eohmym. Many settlements work on domesticating or trapping local wildlife for materials. Ecotenders are very popular as they help regulate farming and trapping practices.

Altior is home to Yggdrasaer, Cosmos Crown and The Godsrest Jungle. Both of which inspire many communities to settle around them. Within the bounds of the Godsrest Jungle, magic has no flow and does not work. Some who prefer to test science in a vacuum make their home here, while others who have a disdain for magic seek the jungle for a type of shelter.