Eohm is called the Waking Realm because it is where the most physical beings reside, the most common are the Eohmym. Before the understanding of the other realms, it was considered to be "reality" by some, as little evidence was initially found regarding Adrem, Grand Consciousness or Othraweald, Road of Taken Graces.
On Eohm, the Ultimydeon ensure that no grand civilization is born and that harmful wastes are eliminated; organic sentient beings or otherwise. At the same time, The Malign grows to try and corrupt life and spread as much as possible. There are four continents with many settlements among each of them. Lydr Olhmut to the west, Sadain Marai to the east, Hyval to the north, and Altior to the south. Each continent is connected via land bridges carved by the Ultimydeon.
Due to the nature of the Ultimydeon threat, settlements are decentralized and sorted into three categories; for the most part. Cores are settlements where there are more residents, farms, and medical treatment facilities. Foci (plural or Focus in singular) are settlements that have more establishments based around crafts and producing goods from materials. Hubs are settlements that act as intermediary spaces for large amounts of Starstones to prevent too much traffic going between settlements.
Each settlement, regardless of its designation as Core, Focus, or Hub, have their own elected leaders and rules set fourth by the majority.
Settlements are connected through The Starways via Starstones, which make portals that inhabitants can move through quickly and easily to reach other connected Starstones. This means that a commute from a Core to a Focus, even if the Focus is 1,000 miles away, is just a few seconds. Due to the quick access that Starstones allow, there are some Cores and Foci that share common residents across the continents.
Many cultures that have popped up over the past 2,026 years tend to keep customs to specific Cores or Foci, as a way to maintain a sense of self. Eohmym society as a whole, spans the entire world, even though there are no centralized governments.
There have been wars in the past between different settlements, which only draws The Malign to encroach on those who were involved. As a means to survival, very few sane Eohmym are willing to pursue the means of fighting each other. Unfortunately, greed and division lurk in the hearts of mortals to be manipulated by those who are more sinister.