Celestial anchors that are created by Cosmographers to open portals between two locations using The Starways. Starstones can take any shape that the Cosmographer has the ability to make them as they have to be hand crafted. Many hubs employ smaller Starstones that can be placed into the flooring as to not take up much space since portals tend to be very large to accommodate travelers and cargo.
Starstones are able to reach across realms, allowing quick access to Adrem, Eohm, and Othraweald. Despite how easy they make travel, there are countless beings that prefer to stay "Out of Way" which is a term meaning nowhere near a Starstone.
Once crafted, a Cosmographer may share the star signature of the Starstone with other cosmographers who will be able to maintain the Starstone should something happen to the creator. Some of the oldest Starstones have been around for over 300 years.