Those that harmonize

Skilled and talented chord masters that employ magic to tap into the power of Adrem, Grand Consciousness and resonate beautiful sounds from living beings. The symphonist relies on others to produce their music, known as symphonies. Every being having a different sound that resonates from their mind, makes every performance a unique experience.

Cores employ and train symphonists to coordinate events, as leaders, or as entertainment to ensure that residents are able to get enrichment through music. Foci often seek symphonists for grand events and to inspire the crafts folk that work there. It is often seen that well organized groups of explorers or trained militia will ensure a symphonist is stationed within the company as their songs are more than simple marching music, they inspire powerful augments.

Main Stat: Psyche

Psyche is a Symphonist’s most important stat that most of their abilities and traits revolve around, with a growth cap of 8.


This is a calling that is meant to bolster their allies through very powerful buffs that they are able to continuously channel from turn to turn. A wonderful choice for anyone who wants to play a support role.



Whenever an ally uses the assist action within your Symphony, they gain a bonus to their next roll equal to your Psyche for 1 STP.

Anytime you reroll using TP, you are able to choose one of the following:

Continuous Music