When a being dies, in rare instances, they may turn to a state of undeath. Many refer to these beings as Refrained as they are "refrained from rest". What parts of themselves they are able to maintain through death is what determines the type of Refrained they are.
- Ghost - When a soul is unable to maintain its body and mind, it becomes a ghost. Most ghosts make their way to Othraweald through the Starways. Ghosts are unable to retain new information past the point of when they died and often forget most of their lives, save for things they held very dear or hyperfixations.
- Specter - When a mind experiences such dramatic emotion at the point of death, it might linger as a repeating memory known as a specter. There are known instances when a specter is able to communicate or learn new information, though this is extremely rare. If a specter does not migrate to Adrem, it will eventually fade in most cases.
- Zombie - Risen bodies that have no mind or soul. They must be controlled by an external force and are unable to take actions of their own.
- Vampire - Refrained that have kept their body and mind intact but have lost their soul. In order to continue their new existence, they have to prey on others of their kind and drink the life force of the living. As an example: Eohmym must drink blood of other Eohmym, Meticem must drain the mind of other Meticem, Xitse must absorb the souls of other Xitse.
- Revenant - A being who was able to keep their body and soul, though their mind is gone. They are unable to move past whatever is holding them to their undeath and often act as they would in life, unable to learn new information or experiences.
- Phantasm - When a being dies and maintains its mind and soul, it becomes a phantasm. Phantasms are able to continue to learn and experience emotions, however they have no body and tend to fade after a while.
- Lich - Refrained that have kept all parts of themselves after death. Though they maintain their body, mind, and soul, their body is constantly decaying as its functions have mostly stopped. Not every lich becomes Refrained equally, some maintain the nerves in their body, continuing existence in perpetual pain.
Refrained that are lacking a part of their selves cannot last long in the realm that corresponds with the part they are missing.
- Ghosts, phantasms, and specters fade over time in Eohm.
- Vampires and zombies will erode over time in Othraweald.
- Revenants and zombies will decay faster in Adrem.
Many communities find Refrained to be a danger and will disallow them from entering, often times sending specially trained orators to talk to the Refrained. Should the Refrained be aggressive, the orators are trained to reply in kind. Though it is common to accept Refrained are not to be admitted into communities, many still care about their loved ones who are tied to such a fate.
There are places and communities for Refrained, should they seek sanctuaries where they are able to continue their new existence.